dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was with 2 other people, I can't remember who they were but possibly my partner and my daughter. We're walking across some sort of prairie, filled with wild animals, I only really remember the lions but am aware of other animals. I don't feel fear at first and then suddenly the most intense fear overcomes me, I'm on the ground and a lion has me pinned down. I'm not afraid of being mauled or bitten, I'm afraid of being suffocated and I'm aware that I can't move at all due to the weight of the lion on top of me.

THE REALITY The dreamer was about to move in with her partner. Her daughter had already left home but was incandescent with rage towards her mothers partner. The dreamer felt that this is not caused by her partner but results from her own mixed up emotions which is expressed as rage most of the time. The previous weekend there was a major falling out which sparked the extra intensity of emotion. The dreamer was trying to reach out to her daughter yet she was rejecting her.

DREAM INTERPRETATION If relationships are dominating your thoughts then they will dominate your dreams. Try to decode them on the assumption that they relate to real life problems.

In this case the lion as a metaphor had extreme relevance to real life. The dreamers daughter had shown incandescent rage the previous weekend. Many strong emotions were bubbling up beneath the surface and were exploding as rage towards the dreamer.

Notice how the dreamer reacts to the lion. She does not feel she will be mauled. Yet she does feel pinned down. This is absurd if read literally. Its clearly a symbol for the dreamers complex feelings about this situation. She does feel pinned down - unable to act in the way she wants. Yet she does not feel total fear of death - showing that she feels her daughter is not seriously going to target her mother. That this situation is under control its just a matter of finding the right time.

Having said this dreams do not really help us. They will merely represent actual thoughts. Key thoughts that we are pinpointing in our minds.

Dream Dictionary Meanings
LIONS : "The dreamers daughter and her rage"
NOT AFRAID OF BEING MAULED: "The dreamer does not seriously fear her daughters rage. She wants to help but feels rejected"
PINNED DOWN : "The dreamer feels pinned down - unable to act"
TWO PEOPLE : "The dreamers daughter and her partner. The problems with these two relationships"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I am wanting to move in with my partner yet I fear my daughters response. My daughter has so many issues and rage inside her right now. They had a huge argument last weekend. I want to help my daughter yet feel she is rejecting me"

See how the Symbolic meanings repeat a strong emotion from the day before prior to going to sleep.

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• CIA assassination dream
• Huge and dangerous waves - dream symbolism
• Friend duel dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - shark bite
• Surrounded by sharks in water
• Dreams about ex-boyfriend
• Grabbing snakes - dream analysis
• Dream - penis in food blender
• Alligators at crossroads - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - insulted
• gun pointed at me dream
• Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
• A dream about a friend who turns nasty
• Prince and Princess dream
• Sexual desires - dream analysis
• Puppies and snakes
• Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
• Date with ex boyfriends brother - dream analysis
• Cat not recognized - dream analysis
• Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
• Older brother dream
• Dream - dolphins and lifeguard and beautiful calm sea
• Identical babies- dream analysis
• snake dream
• Dream symbols - past girlfriend

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com