dream analysis study

THE DREAM I had a dream where I was in a forest in autumn and all the trees had leaves which were yellow, red and golden. I was walking with a guy friend of mine (we are more than friends but not in a relationship yet) holding hands towards a gathering or some kind like a picnic. When we reached the gathering we went to a little shelter where my mother was sitting with some people around her, I introduced her to this guy friend of mine and she really liked him. As we were walking away from my mother someone said to me she knows what he really is to you or some thing like that. Me and my guy friend kept on walking until the trees with the sun shining down on us.

GUESSWORK The male friend in the dream is someone the dreamer had been friends with for over a year. They treat each other as if they are in a relationship. She feels like she is falling in love with him. There is still some distance between them. As she is getting older she feels more pressure to find a man and get married.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. Dreams about people we are close to will often be about that person. This dream will probably be about her male friend. Most dreams will represent any new feelings you have concerning the relationship. The dreamer was feeling very close to her male friend the day before.
2. Showing a boyfriend or male you are attracted to to your mother can easily represent your wish to settle down with this person. If you get into a serious relationship then you will visit the persons mother.

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers feelings about her male friend. The dream deals with the following themes
- a relationship with a male friend
- Making a serious commitment

If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"I feel pressure to settle down. I am falling in love with my guy friend. I could imagine settling down with him."

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Homely atmosphere dream
• Werewolf dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - roller-coaster
• Snake is almost dead - dream analysis
• Saving parents dream
• Huge and dangerous waves - dream symbolism
• Surprised to see my mother dream interpretation
• Sisters bedroom - dream analysis
• Shark dream
• Surrounded by sharks in water
• Not paying bills - dream symbolism
• Nightmare about my angry violent husband
• Sexual desires - dream analysis
• Chased by wolves dream
• They really love each other - dream interpretation
• Girlfriend baby!
• A black friendly dog - dream dictionary
• Dream symbols - my husband has girlfriend who has cyst or tumor
• A dream analysis about a weekend wedding
• Engagement ring dream
• Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
• Dream symbols - chocolate bar from boss
• Blocking bird from entering house - dream analysis
• No groom at wedding - dream analysis
• Young women on bus dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com