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THE DREAM - I was in a huge mansion. I was there on my own. Later I saw people coming back. I felt it necessary to hide. I was told that any food I had made was unwanted.
GUESSWORK The previous day the dreamer had been feeling very down. He felt that people where he worked all disliked him. Strong moods from the day before can easily trigger dreams.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. The dreamers food is unwanted. This could easily associate with anything where the dreamer is feeling unwanted so if the dreamer feels disliked and unwanted where he works then this could easily be a symbol for these feelings.
2. Mansions often symbolise the wider world in which we live in. Houses tend to link to personality issues and mansions tend to link to personality issues where we feel heavily pressurized to behave in a certain way.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers workplace. Its easy to see how the dream deals with the following themes:
- feeling unwanted
- other people and their opinions and attitude towards you.
If you weave together the different themes then you find that the dream could easily capture this following feeling - "I really feel unwanted and rejected. They all hate me. I really do not seem to fit in. they don't want me"
This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
So many insects - dream analysis
Excrement - dream analysis
End of the world - dream analysis
Large mansion - dream analysis
Going home lone - dream analysis
President Bush dream
Being a student and shouting dream
Snake chasing me dream
Saved from castle dream interpretation
Pet mouse dream
Welcoming fire - dream analysis
Spiders eggs and birds nest - dream interpretation
Parents and midnight swim - dream interpreting
London dream
Ascending huge hill - dream interpretation
Drunk or drugged - dream analysis
Dream about avoiding people
Wandering around hotel - dream interpretation
Poisonous Gas
Spider poses no threat dream
Conner from neighbours - dream analysis
At old house where I have no right to be there - dream interpretation
Fulfilling contract dream
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Trying on friends clothes dream interpretation
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at