dream analysis study

THE DREAM - shopping money friends I went to a huge shopping centre with a friend 'laura' whilst she popped into mothercare to get her kids something I waited outside the shop for another friend 'kay' to come as shes always late! I had arrived at the shopping centre by train and on leaving the train I had dropped my 'red' wallet with my cards and money in so had no money. I had text kay to say I had no money but was happy to stay and watch them shop!, when kay arrived she handed me a black velvet bag with lots of notes and change in she said she got it out of my locker?? (I don't have a locker) . Both laura and kay are old friends that I hardly ever see.

This dream was posted on Unclesirbobby.org.uk on the September 20, 2012, 11:04 by lynny. It was viewed 4 times

BACKGROUND INFORMATION :we struggle to pay bills etc both work full time cant afford to go out with friends, friends don't invite us out any more as we always turn them down, I always feel stuck the harder I work the less money I seem to have, my friends in the dream don't work have children and go out every weekend go on nice holidays etc

OFFICIAL DREAM ANALYSIS : If you could write a story that could sum up your frustration with money and friends then this would be it. That's what dream do - they are like short stories which capture key feelings like this.

This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Crashing down a huge hill dream
• Terrorists dream
• Large mansion - dream analysis
• Rolling downhill dream
• Going home lone - dream analysis
• At uncles home - dream analysis
• Swimming pool dream
• Snake chasing me dream
• Dream about a swaying skyscraper
• Hippy trail ends up in a military camp - dream dictionary
• Helicopter and skyscraper - dream interpretation
• Ascending huge hill - dream interpretation
• Professional people - dream analysis
• Naked dream and people laugh
• shopping money and friends dream
• Party at my expense
• Leopard in car dream interpretation
• Icy path - dream interpretation
• German friend - dream analysis
• Man called Frank - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - hollow tree
• Clock dream - interpretation
• I couldn't see dream
• A dream interpretation about washing machines
• The way of the Lord dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com