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THE DREAM I have been having some really freaky weird and scary dreams lately more than usual. But last night I had a dream that a kidnapper had kidnapped a whole bunch of people. I rescued them but was captured myself when I tried to scream nothing would come out. The kidnapper tied me to a bed naked and started to molest me then I woke up and I was lost.
THE REALITY The dreamer was constantly asked for help. This placed her in a difficult position as a refusal would leave her appear selfish. But perhaps the dreamer felt she needed to concentrate on what she wanted for a change.
THE INTERPRETATION Kidnapping often is a good symbol to get to grips with a dream. It usually links to something that you are been forced or pressured to do. In this way you are acting in a way that is not natural to your personality.
People are often symbols that your behavior is in some way comparable to the behavior of others. In that way you feel under pressure to act in certain ways. So in this way the dreamer feels pressured into helping people when she is asked.
Nakedness can often capture a feeling that you are vulnerable. If someone asks you to help and you refuse then your feelings are very obvious and open to view(your feelings are naked for all to see).
But in this case the dreamer was unable to speak and that clearly shows how she is unable to express certain feelings. She is therefore pressured into certain actions.
Rape or molestation is often linked with very negative emotions. It shows that you have been taken advantage.
Symbolic Meanings
BED : "a very personal appeal or approach to you"
KIDNAPPED : "you are been forced in a direction you do not really want to go - in this case pushed into helping people out"
NAKED : "feeling naked and vulnerable - not wanting to reveal your true feelings"
PEOPLE : "thoughts about what is appropriate behavior"
SCREAM : "recognising the need to address some issue"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I am sick of people trying to get me to help them out. I think people take advantage of my good nature. I just find it difficult to turn them down though ".
See how the dreams symbols portray complex emotions and insights into the dreamers situation
This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at