dream analysis study

THE DREAM - my son and fire My oldest son (that has autism) was with me and his brother (and oddly, my ex husband) while we were travelling. My ex husband had started a "camp fire" and placed my oldest son on a pillow near the fire. I was concerned in my dream that it was too close to the fire and sure enough, suddenly the pillow caught on fire (that my son had his head on). My ex husband was looking at the fire on the pillow but not moving or acting to put it out. So I finally yelled ( It was as if I couldn't move at all to get near my son) and finally my ex husband stood up and helped my son put the fire out. When I finally was able to move in my dream, I checked on my son and 2 of his fingers were burned off to the their knuckles. I was crying and rushing to get him help when I woke up.

This dream was posted on Unclesirbobby.org.uk on the September 26, 2012, 09:03 by Sash. It was viewed 4 times

BACKGROUND INFORMATION :My son is currently having his time with my ex husband ( we are divorced and on different coasts). Anyway, he is not very compassionate or attentive to my oldest son and often ignores him due to his autism. I fell asleep praying for God to protect Austin (my oldest son) while he was not currently in my care.

OFFICIAL DREAM ANALYSIS : You say "he is not very compassionate or attentive to my oldest son and often ignores him due to his autism."

Well your dream just means that. Most dreams do not really tell us something that we do not know... they are merely symbolic versions of your own thoughts.

If you could write a story to say this "he is not very compassionate or attentive to my oldest son and often ignores him due to his autism."

then that story would be just like your dream. The dream merely captures your feelings .... its like a short play.

It also plays out a WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO. But really the dream just captures your anxieties and expresses your belief that you look after your son better than your husband

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream symbolism - roller-coaster
• Dream symbols - huge snake
• Copperhead snake strikes - dream interpretation
• Tropical storms dream
• Grandfather's plea - dream analysis
• Place on plane
• Small puppy - dream analysis
• Spiders and open wounds dream
• Men playing cards against women - dream symbolism
• Gang raping my daughter
• Trusting and gagged dream
• Pack of dogs dream
• Husband is being extremely mean
• Missing someone dream
• Giant tree dream
• Swarms of flies and father warns - dream symbolism
• Children raped - dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - my husband has girlfriend who has cyst or tumor
• Engagement ring dream
• Bitten by dog - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
• Dream symbols - Circular bridge
• Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes
• Young women on bus dream
• Bear chasing my young son

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com