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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I was in some kind of house and it was full of babies. The babies all looked neglected and I could only see one nurse looking after them. I felt really overwhelmed by them all crying at the same time. I was trying to think of ways in which I could cope looking after all these children at the same time.
THE REALITY In the near future the dreamer would begin training in a nursery. She was looking forward to it but scared by her lack of ability.
DREAM INTERPRETATION If the dreamer was going to work with children very soon it seems that it must have been linked to that issue. The dream shows her not being able to cope which was something that she worried about in real life. Dreams often reveal our worries and this dream seems pretty straight forward.
The dream also seems to offer her hope in that she starts to think of ways of coping.
Dream Dictionary Meanings
NEGLECTED : "Neglected babies was a symbol of the dreamers worries that she would neglect babies because she was just starting a new training course in a nursery and was worried that she could not manage"
BABIES: "The babies were symbols of real life babies which would need looking after when she started a training course in a nursery "
OVERWHELMED: "Feeling overwhelmed was linked to a real life fear that she would not be able to cope looking after lots of babies when she started her new training course."
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer "I am starting a training course in a nursery and I am a bit worried about it. I have never looked after babies before and wonder if I could cope"
See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key worry about her training course.
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