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THE DREAM CONTRACT DREAM I was in Newcastle (where I used to live). The main theme to this dream was a contract that I had to make some pathway son the side of this hill. There were various tasks that needed to be completed. Sometimes these tasks seemed very difficult. We tried to complete each task - one at a time. Trying to do something that was achievable. Eventually all this building work was comepleted.
GUESSWORK The dreamer was not very well at the time. She wanted to get along with some work at home. She decided to try to do little things one at a time. She was not over reaching herself but was trying to set herself targets.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. NEWCASTLE. Newcastle in a dream and indeed any town or place starting with the word 'New' can be a wordplay and can refer to some 'NEW' situation in your life. In this case the dreamer did feel as if there was a new situation in her life as she was facing terrible health problems. She was particularly trying to work out how to carry on with her work during this period.
2. CONTRACT. A contract in a dream is a difficult and strange symbol. What is a contract? A contract implies a willingness to complete certain tasks. This kind of fits in with how the dreamer was trying to carry on with her work. She was trying to do one thing at a time. The contract was an excellent symbol for her trying to set herself achievable targets. She was trying to put lots of effort in to keep her work going from home.
3. ONE AT A TIME. Doing things one at a time was a excellent metaphor for the way the dreamer was trying to continue with her work. She was setting herself little targets and hoping to continue on with her work from home. She knew that if she tried to do too much her health would stop her achieving her goals. But if she set herself small targets then she could continue working.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers thoughts about her health and wish to continue working. It dealt with the following themes.
- Doing things one at a time
- A feeling that you have had to do something because you have agreed to it
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture this thought that the dreamer was thinking at the time-"I have become very ill but I am trying to continue on with my work. I know I have got to make a real commitment or else I will end up doing nothing. If I set myself achiveable targets then I can continue to work"
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at