dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I had a nightmare in which my husband was angry and violent. Long term relationship issues resulted in my husband asking "what are you trying to say?" He was violent, forceful and angry. His suppressed temper was suddenly exploding. When I asked him to get out he became violent. I was able to lock the doors, call police and retrieve a pistol. He then tried to run around the house trying to get in. I was not afraid, but felt fear that he would physically hurt me.

This dream was posted on Unclesirbobby.org.uk on the August 12, 2013, 02:01

THE REALITY The dreamers husband had lied but she caught him out but he continued to deny it.They talked on the phone and the dreamer tried to state her case. He ended with a fake apology. If you have been having relationship problems the night before then your mind will often replay parts of the emotions that you felt. When analysing the dream try to look for key moments in the dream. In this dream the key moment is when the dreamer says that she was "not afraid,but felt a fear that he would physically hurt her". That is what the dream means. Reducing the dreams meaning into a key quote helps pinpoint key emotions. The rest of the dream is just an exaggeration

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Fighting Anaconda with machete - dream analysis
• Helping babysit sister.
• Dream symbols - workshop
• Getting married in pink - dream symbolism
• Earthquake Dream
• Dream - penis in food blender
• Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
• Impressing women - dream analysis
• Zombies and Brad Pitt
• Rats,worms,flies and maggots
• we had sex in his house!
• Feeling sad and partners ex - dream interpretation
• My son and fire dream
• Knife Attack Nightmares
• Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
• Girlfriend baby!
• Date with ex boyfriends brother - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - Children died
• Assaulting mother in law dream
• An older man is preparing to leave in sports car - dream analysis
• Ampuation dream analysis
• Judge and jury and blood dream
• Dream of a secret place
• My boyfriend died - dream analysis
• A Weird Gift From a Loved One

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com