Personality dreams
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Change in Life dreams
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Neural networks and dreams
Dream theory
Why is this the best dream site
Thetawaves and dreams
Dream studies
Sleep deprivation TV show
Dreams and TV
How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM A woman was walking over a fast flowing river. It was very deep. She was walking too and fro and without any regard for her own safety. Her actions were almost suicidal.
THE REALITY The dreamer was having obsessive feelings towards a woman. He was unable to act in a rational way. This was bound to end in disaster.
THE INTERPRETATION The dream portrays a very obsessive woman. This dream simply captures his feelings as he had been acting extremely obsessively the night before. He was aware of this yet unable to control himself.
Symbolic Meanings
SUICIDAL : "The dreamer was aware his actions were self destructive"
OBSESSIVE : "The dreamer was aware of his own obsessive behavior"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer "I just cannot control myself. I am very obsessive towards her"
See how the dreams symbols capture an insight into his own obsessive behavior
This was a depressionhealth dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Jumping off face first - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - calm down
Reckless driving - dream symbolism
Shooting gangster - dream interpretation
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A nice warm bed - dream analysis
Walking up huge steep hill - dream analysis
Dream symbols - surviving a tornado
Mother shakes off snake - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - snake eggs and PTDS
Submarine dream
Woman shakes head at me - dream analysis
Roman army - dream dictionary meanings
Dream symbolism - dark ravine
Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
Covering up my genitals - dream analysis
Surviving fall - dream analysis
Needing friend - dream analysis
Intruders in my house dream interpretation
Children tortured dream
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Dream interpretation – work at the library
Eton College - dream symbols
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A dream interpretation about walls moving
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at