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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM My boyfriend and I (along with other random people) were working in some kind of field. All of a sudden, everyone is running and I'm not sure why. I run to one of the trucks parked and my boyfriend is inside. I ask him if he is okay and he says yes. I overhear him tell someone else ask and he tells them he inhaled some gas. Someone asks us how we know each other. I said "he's my boyfriend" an he responds "we are just friends".
THE REALITY The dreamer had just broken up with her boyfriend the night before.
DREAM INTERPRETATION Dreams will often link to key thoughts and feelings from the night before. They represent the news headlines of our emotions. In this case something major had just happened. The dreamer had just broken up with her boyfriend. The dream is probably emotional in origin. It often takes the emotions a little time to catch up. If we overhear something it might be the type of thing that people would say behind your backs. Overhearing someone may be very painful. This is a metaphor so relevant to how the dreamer felt the morning after breaking up. It therefore captures her painful realization of the split.
Dream Dictionary Meanings
BOYFRIEND : "Quite often dreams about a boyfriend will be about the boyfriend. In this case this is probably so."
OVERHEAR : "If we overhear something it can be a painful truth"
JUST FRIENDS: "A painful realization that things are over"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I broke up with my boyfriend last night. I am just starting to realize what has happened"
See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key emotion from the day before.
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at