dream analysis study

THE DREAM - Last night I dreamed such a vivid dream it seemed real. I dreamed I was checking my email when I saw an email from my sister. Her name was clearly there but I accidentally hit the delete key and sent her email to the trash. It was late at night and I needed to get to bed so I turned off the computer thinking "I will find her email tomorrow". I woke up feeling the dream was so real I had to check my email just to make sure it was not a dream and of course there was no mail from my sister.

THE REALITY The dreamer had been thinking a lot about her sister and missed her. They lived in different countries.

THE INTERPRETATION Dreams can often be about strong emotions of any kind. If you get a strong feeling in real life and it has been repeated in a dream then it may simply express that strong feeling.

Dream Dictionary Meanings
CHECK E-MAIL: "A wish to keep in touch with her sister"
DELETE: "Putting something off - putting off contacting her sister"
SISTER: "The dream is probably about the dreamers relationship with her sister"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I miss my sister and should get in contact with her. I just keep putting it off too much though!"

See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to capture a key feeling from the day before.

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream symbolism - vets
• Wanting to live and to achieve - dream interpretation
• Gun pointed at me - dream dictionary
• Tree falling - dream analysis
• Deserted streets dream
• Protected by SAS - dream
• A dream about playing with a baby
• Dirty pond - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - little boys playing happily
• Wild animals charging - dream analysis
• Scared of huge wave - Dream
• Touching a woman's breasts - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - steal from tutor
• Disaster (tidal wave) dream
• Cave man dream
• Scream or help - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - gave girlfriend phone
• Angry with husband - dream symbolism
• Falling from great height dream
• Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
• Exploding buildings in Israel dream
• Hidden in garden of mansion - dream analysis
• Chopping dogs heads off - dream analysis
• Stamp on a snake - dream interpretation
• A body in hot water dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com