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THE DREAM - I dreamt I caught a falling parachute.
GUESSWORK The dreamer was preoccupied with her relationship problems. She was at a low point of her life feeling disturbed, depressed and confused. She felt as if she had no reason to live. She was trying to get out of the relationship but felt trapped.
DREAM ASSOCIATIONS AND SYMBOLISM The dreamer made the following associations and symbolic meanings.
- Falling without a parachute captures a feeling of total desperation. The dreamer felt desperate due to her relationship problems.
- A parachute could symbolize a solution offering a way out. In real life the dreamer was trying to get out of her relationship.
ANALYSIS The issues in real life the dreamer identified are highly consistent with the symbolic meanings and associations. The dream deals with the following themes:- a feeling totally desperate
- a chance to escape
Together the two themes weave together to form the following feeling: "I am wanting to get out of this relationship. I really have to because its totally destroying me"
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at