dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was on a boat on the sea (not a modern boat either, I remember a wooden construction and being below deck), the water was very very rough - and it was dark (night-time), and I was talking on my mobile phone to my partner and he was calming me. I thought we were going to hit the rocks and come aground but we were OK - although I never saw the dream through to the end, I get the impression it didn't have a bad outcome.

THE REALITY The dreamer was going through emotional turmoil at the time but was given strong support by her partner

DREAM INTERPRETATION Emotional turmoil triggers many dreams. In this case this dream concentrates on the dreamers partner. Cellphones are symbols of support and help. In this case her partner was obviously a strong help. His understanding helped resolve a very difficult situation without much fuss.

The fear of running onto the rocks symbolised the fear that things could get much worse. The dreamer was in the worst position - below decks - capsize and you die.

Dream Dictionary Meanings
BELOW DECK: "Very vulnerable to events"
CELLPHONE WITH PARTNER: "The cellphone is a symbol of good communication. The dreamers partner was helping to calm her down"
DOESN'T END BADLY: "The situation has been difficult but have been sorted largely due to the dreamers partners help and support "
HIT ROCKS: "A fear of things getting worse"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I was in such turmoil but I realise how much of a support my partner has been"

See how the Symbolic meanings link to the dreamers own assessment of their emotional state

This was a changes dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Partner phones me - a dream of support
• Dream analysis - end of the world
• Cannot climb hill - dream analysis
• Dream about losing books.
• Little girl dream and a tornado - dream analysis
• Sears Tower dream
• Cannot climb hill - dream analysis
• Dangerous sexual attraction - dream analysis
• Secret rooms - dream interpretation
• Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
• Great skill and ability dream
• Unknown man at grandmas home - dream interpretation
• Dream - girl dripping in blood
• Trapped in room dream
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• Dream about supporting a new football team
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• Cricket and football dream interpretation
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• Flying with an eagle
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com