dream analysis study

THE DREAM - Lately I've been having dreams of these girls in my present life. I don't understand what they mean. One was with an ex of his that he kissed during an off period. The girl and I had never gotten along at all and haven't spoken in years. In my dream she and I were talking about why we didn't like each other back then, all positively, no arguing or fighting. We'd never been friends before, just immediate enemies because she didn't like me. My husband was not in this dream. In another dream, a girl he had slept with during a time we were still seeing each other, was with my husband and I at the mall. They were looking at each other all flirty faced and she kept mentioning the date June 2nd. She would see it on something and say "Oh ya remember June 2nd?" In the dream she was referring to the date they had sex which I know to have happened in December, not June. Then she would say it my husband and then they would get all flustered and happy (all in front of me). I got upset and they both kept asking me what was the matter, like they were doing nothing wrong. That's when I woke up. I do know that June 2nd is her birthday but don't understand the change in my dream. I've had dreams on and off about all of his past "girls" for the past few years and never know what they mean?

GUESSWORK The dreamer had just become pregnant with her second child. They were high school sweethearts and highly excited about this. They were on and off during those high school years. Her husband had lots of flings before their marriage.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. The dream involves one of the dreamers husbands ex girlfriend's. The dream could be about the chances of him committing adultery.2. The ex girlfriend is with other women - all of whom are in the dreamers life currently. So that's maybe a symbol specifically about the present day. The ex girlfriend is with these other women and so represents the thought "could these women lead my husband astray!"
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to dreamers husbands medical problems. The dream deals with the following themes
- Worries that her husband may cheat
- Previous flings that her husband had

If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture this thought that the dreamer was thinking at the time-"My husband has had plenty of flings before we got married. I do worry that he may do the same again"

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Babies and a gun
• Tornado deam analysis
• Bathing suit dream
• Zombie Attack dream
• Tropical storms dream
• Taking toys away from a child - dream analysis
• Spies everywhere - dream analysis
• Dream - Father abuses niece
• Dream interpretation - overheard boyfriend
• Nightmare about my angry violent husband
• Giant snakes dream
• Puppies and snakes
• New York City dream
• Flying in plane over the mountain
• Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
• Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
• Ampuation dream analysis
• Dream analysis - impossible
• Holding a baby gently - dream symbolism
• Flush & Disappear dream
• Engagement ring dream
• Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
• Judge and jury and blood dream
• Dragon eggs dreams
• A Weird Gift From a Loved One

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com