dream analysis study

THE DREAMI reached into my mouth and felt my teeth one by one loosen enough where I could just pull them out. Over and over again I pulled them out and I was actually happy about it. I have crooked front teeth in real life and did in my dream too, with each tooth coming out I hoped my smile would straighten OR all my teeth would come out so I could get dentures and finally have a perfect smile. I have had these kinds of dreams for almost 20 years, sometimes my teeth are crumbling and falling out in my mouth, choking me, but this time was a little different in that I was pulling them out myself and felt happiness in doing so.

THE REALITY The previous day the dreamer had applied for a job at "Hooters" as a waitress. She had been encouraged to go by her neighbour because she certainly has the figure for the job. Yet she was worried about her teeth as she has a crooked smile. When she got to the restaurant she chickened out and just sat and ordered a coffee. The girl working there then asked her if she would be interested in applying for the job. She asked if her smile might stop her from getting the job and the waitress simply said she didn't know(Ouch).

DREAM ANALYSIS Obviously dreams can use dream symbols in a literal sense. Its worth asking yourself if anything happened the day before that involves that symbol. If you visit the coast and the next night have a dream about the sea then its possible that the dream is literally referring to that. In this case teeth had been an issue the day before. She felt the crooked smile may stop her getting the job she wanted.

Symbolic Meanings
TEETH : "The dreamers real life worries about her crooked smile"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I applied for the job at Hooters yesterday but felt a bit worried about my smile. I am not sure if I will get the job because of my crooked teeth"

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream about a war with a sniper
• Dying in a tornado dream
• Torture dream
• Baby in a purse dream analysis
• Bitten by a snake dream
• Dream symbols - wanting to ask psychic
• Dream symbolism - raped and bitten
• Dream symbols - email from sister
• Dream symbols - huge college
• Tornado and a strange talking head dream interpretation
• A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
• Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
• A dream triggered by a huge argument the day before
• Dream analysis - Michael Moore
• Little and large song - music in dreams
• Hospital bed - dream dictionary
• Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
• Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
• Dogs follow me dream
• Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
• Going happily downhill dream
• Stabbing at football match - dream dictionary
• Floods dream
• A body in hot water dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com