dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I am in this university. I am having a conference in this room. I am asked to take a seat. I do but near the edge of the table not near too many people. I am wondering where the toilet is. It is upstairs. I think of going but do not. I mention that there are five people there for security - one from the military, one from the police, the secret service.

THE REALITY The previous day the dreamer met up with an old friend from college. It was an embarrassing moment as they were both showing each other what they had done. It was a case of outdoing each other. At the same moment an ex girlfriend was present. The dream captured many of the emotions from the dream. There was a sense of nervousness. The toilet is a symbol of frustration and the need to let go of bad emotions.

THE INTERPRETATION Security in dreams often deals with moments when you are on your guard. In this situation the dreamer was meeting an old college friend and it was in many ways a case of seeing who had done best in life. Initially the dreamer felt a little anxious and this probably represented his wanting to know where the toilet was. Toilets are often symbols of frustrations and bad emotions. In this case the toilet was upstairs. The upstairs often symbolises your imagination. That symbolised how this feeling of nervousness was purely in his imagination.

The situation was one where he felt on his guard and maybe felt lacking confidence in meeting an old friend from college. The security issues being on his guard for feelings of anxiety. However, once he realised that his friend was not trying to outdo him his anxiety about the situation was reduced.

Symbolic Meanings
MAN : "a situation where you feel pressured"
POLICE : " a feeling that he was under investigation "
SECURITY : "the dreamer was feeling under threat - and was very cautious about what he said to his old college friend because it would reveal how unsuccessful he had become"
TOILET : "The dreamer felt a real sense of embarrassment because he felt a failure compared to his successful college friend. He wanted to make his excauses and dissapear somewhere(the toilet)."
UPSTAIRS : "your imagination at work - your fears and worries"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I bumped into an old friend from college yesterday. I was a bit embarrassed because I do not think I have really made a success of my life. I felt embarrassed for a while but he was OK about things."

See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Surrounded by wolves - dream analysis
• Dream - unintelligible drunken crow
• Young daughter raped - dream analysis
• Stealing a cup dream
• Baby dies - dream symbol
• Germans torturing a secret agent - dream analysis
• Staring dream
• Mick Jagger dream
• Mermaid - dream analysis
• Very annoyed - dream analysis
• Best friend swears - dream analysis
• World War Three - dream analysis
• Girl strips off - dream analysis
• Fruit shop - dream interpretation
• Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
• Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
• Guy goes gun crazy dream
• Husband kissing another woman- dream interpretation
• Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
• Having sex with friend - dream symbolism
• Huge mansion and criminal gambler dream symbolism
• Dogs chasing leopard dream
• Murder a stranger dream
• Dream - sharks, vacation,husband,Russia, Kremlin and Russian
• Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com