dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was walking into my friends shop. I felt nervous about going in. I felt as if I needed an excuse and reason to go in. Later I was on one of the computers in the shop. I was looking at porn pictures.

THE REALITY The day before the dreamer had felt nervous about going into his local community centre. That day one of the less regular volunteers was in charge. The dreamer was worried that people might think he was using the centre too much for his own reasons. That he was just abusing the centre. So he did not go into the centre that day. The dreamer had also recently felt nervous about going into his friends shop.

THE INTERPRETATION Dreams do seem to link to recent events. Its always best to see if there is a link to recent event before exploring other ideas. The day before is extremely important. The day before this dream the dreamer did change his behavior. He usually would have gone to his local community centre. Yet he turned back because he realized that a particular volunteer was in charge that day. The dream then could explore some thoughts surrounding this.

One obvious link was with his friends shop. The dreamer had felt a similar sense of inhibition with his friends shop. He had been using his friends shop to get access to the internet. It was the same thing in the community centre. He felt worried that others may feel that he was using the computers for a useful purpose. He was interested in psychic phenomena. He often felt embarrassed looking at such sites though.

The porn was an excellent metaphor. Looking at porn is something that is usually done alone. Its rather sordid and embarrassing. Its not something that people and it to or openly look at in front of others. In real life the dreamer felt that his interests on the internet maybe seen as sordid or strange. He liked to pursue these interests on his own. He often felt guilty about looking at weird spiritual sites.

Symbolic Meanings
PORN : "The dreamer felt that others would see his interests in on the internet(psychic phenomena) as strange and sordid - just like porn"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I don't like going into my friends shop or down to the community centre to use the internet. I feel worried that people do not like what I do on the internet. That was especially the case yesterday. I feel embarrassed looking at psychic websites. "

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• A dream about Coronation Street
• Torture dream
• Top floor dream
• Public toilet - dream interpretation
• Dream interpretation - shiny new bike
• Dream interpretation about well made shirt
• Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
• Running for public office - dream
• Iraq dream
• Intruder in bedroom dream
• Mermaid - dream analysis
• Foreigners think I am a criminal dream
• Angry with husband - dream symbolism
• Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
• Dogs follow me dream
• Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
• Dream analysis - chased into a swamp by guys
• Dream symbols - out of control
• Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
• Dream symbolism - police shooting
• Best friend swears - dream analysis
• Church basement dream dictionary
• Chopping dogs heads off - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
• Killing snakes - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com