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THE DREAM In my dream, Mary was drowning in a lake which resembled a beach setting. It was night and no one was around. The water was wavy but like a beach-nothing scary at all. So as she is trying to stay afloat, she can't any longer and she goes under the water. Then I go and save her from drowning and bring her back onto the beach. I give her CPR and revive her back to consciousness. As she wakes up, she has this confused look on her face as if she was expecting lifeguards or paramedics to save her but instead it was me. Neither me or her say a word. After that, I walk back into the water and disappear. Then the next "scene" is me in my room pissed off because Mary didn't recognized I saved her life. Then all of a sudden she appears in my room, and we start having sex.
THE REALITY The dreamer and this girl Mary got close and dated and then just separated without closure. They both still wanted each other but the dreamer felt that they were both too afraid to show their emotions to each other. At the moment of the dream they were both not even talking. Months later Mary got in touch with the dreamer and told him how much she missed him.
DREAM INTERPRETATION The dream mind is the powerhouse of the emotions. If you have been clarifying your emotions then this will surely come out in a dream. This dream uses symbols to represent the dreamers key thoughts about this relationship. The story demonstrates how he felt in real life - she did not recognize what he has done for her. He felt that the relationship was not over properly. That it could be revived at some point in the future - hence they end up having sex.
Dream Dictionary Meanings
DIDN'T RECOGNIZE : "The girl does not recognize just how important he was. Just as in real life she did not recognize how much he was needed"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer "It is a pity we split up. I think we are a good couple. We are both afraid of showing and recognizing our emotions. I think deep down she really needs me"
See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight about a relationship that has just ended.
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