dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I am at some family gathering. It seems to be very dark indeed but its Christmas. Then there is suddenly some action. We have some task to do... and then I am stood over this swimming pool. The military have taken over. We are in some army task. I have to put some package together and put it into the water. It is stuffed full of money. But there is a plug there - I have to jump in and put the plug in place so the water doesn’t run out.

THE REALITY The dreamer had been committing himself in too many ways and in many ways was overstretched. The dream represented an agreement to get involved back in a voluntary activity and the problems associated with it

THE INTERPRETATION Christmas often represents a coming together and can even represent how people come together to settle differences. This symbolised how the dream had finally started talking with people he had been avoiding because he knew they wanted him to get back involved with some voluntary tasks for a local community centre.

Money is a symbol of effort - and the dreamer had to sacrifice some of his money in some task symbolising how he knew such voluntary involvement’s would involve time and energy.

A plug stops water from running away - it stops it draining away. Often water represents energies and efforts. In this case the reference to draining is relevant. It signifies how the dreamer fears that such involvement’s will drain him.

The military had specific emotions in this dream - it was connected with a harsh environment. People making sacrifices. The dreamer also associated a sense of a team with the military. It symnbolised how he felt he had to work together with other people for some greater good.

Symbolic Meanings
ARMY : "unite behind a cause - start helping with the charity again"
CHRISTMAS : "people come together - coming to a compromise or talking things out"
MONEY : "the charity work is very valuable - he knows how important and good for him it is"
PLUG : "a way of stopping your interest and energy from draining away"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I value my charity work. But I am also very tired often. It really does drain me. I want to show some discipline and start helping out again."

See how the Symbolic Meanings above weave together to form a key insight in the DREAM MEANING

This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• A woman's presence dream
• Seduction - dream analysis
• Going home lone - dream analysis
• Sleepover with best friend dream
• Dream - kiss coworker and bathtub massage
• trapped in a room whilst exploring a house - dream
• Snake chasing me dream
• Beautiful sky - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - French oral exam
• Dream - pet stag
• Ascending huge hill - dream interpretation
• Drunk or drugged - dream analysis
• Dream about saving money in a supermarket
• Job application and seamstress dream analysis
• Professional people - dream analysis
• Luxurious house dream
• Man staring at me in my house - dream analysis
• Farm and cafe used to go in - dream interpretation
• Drains overflow in house - dream
• Conner from neighbours - dream analysis
• Big dolphin dream
• At old house where I have no right to be there - dream interpretation
• Clock dream - interpretation
• I couldn't see dream
• No anxiety underwater dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com