dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I was not able to get a job because when they did a background check I had a 'Warrant for Arrest" for being a deserter??

THE REALITY The dreamer was unemployed and was wondering what could be stopping him getting a job. He wondered if he had a bad reference from a previous job.

THE INTERPRETATION Dreams are linked to problem solving and analysis. So if the dreamer cannot get a job he will wonder if something is wrong. To have a dream like this does not amount to paranoia - its just about the need to get everything perfect.

Dream Dictionary Meanings
ARREST WARRANT: Evidence of a previous crime would stop someone getting a job. The dreamer was worried that something like this was affecting his chances of getting a job

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following emotions within the dreamer - "I am unemployed and just cannot get a job. I just worry if something is causing me a problem. Maybe I have a bad reference or something that is just putting everyone off"

This was a thinking dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream of a huge tornado funnel
• Poor clothing and poverty - dream symbolism
• Dream analysis about gangs
• Dream - disaster earthquake hits Washington
• Dream symbolism - murdered Jesus
• Stupid joey from Friends - dream interpretation
• Pep Guadiola - dream analysis
• Castle dream of Carl Jung - dream symbolism
• Dream - judge,frown and cheating
• Grandfather skip - dream dictionary
• Dream - coyotes
• Dream symbolism - deserted community buildings
• Children's competition - dream analysis
• Best friend on bus dream
• Basement and sewer dream symbols
• Attractive ladies - dream interpretation
• TV dream
• Trick crocodile dream
• Leaving lights left on dream
• Dream analysis - killing at Harvard
• I saw you!! - dream analysis
• Good students misbehave - dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - Dr Who
• Dream analysis - cannot recognize members of church
• A friend I haven't seen in years - dream analysis

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com