Personality dreams
Distraction dreams
Previous day dreams
Creative dreams
Emotional dreams
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Relationship dreams
Change in Life dreams
Reflective dreams
Premonition dreams
Reheasal dreams
Next day dreams
Neural networks and dreams
Dream theory
Why is this the best dream site
Thetawaves and dreams
Dream studies
Sleep deprivation TV show
Dreams and TV
How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM - I was not able to get a job because when they did a background check I had a 'Warrant for Arrest" for being a deserter??
THE REALITY The dreamer was unemployed and was wondering what could be stopping him getting a job. He wondered if he had a bad reference from a previous job.
THE INTERPRETATION Dreams are linked to problem solving and analysis. So if the dreamer cannot get a job he will wonder if something is wrong. To have a dream like this does not amount to paranoia - its just about the need to get everything perfect.
Dream Dictionary Meanings
ARREST WARRANT: Evidence of a previous crime would stop someone getting a job. The dreamer was worried that something like this was affecting his chances of getting a job
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following emotions within the dreamer - "I am unemployed and just cannot get a job. I just worry if something is causing me a problem. Maybe I have a bad reference or something that is just putting everyone off"
This was a thinking dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Dream of a huge tornado funnel
Poor clothing and poverty - dream symbolism
Dream analysis about gangs
Dream - disaster earthquake hits Washington
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Stupid joey from Friends - dream interpretation
Pep Guadiola - dream analysis
Castle dream of Carl Jung - dream symbolism
Dream - judge,frown and cheating
Grandfather skip - dream dictionary
Dream - coyotes
Dream symbolism - deserted community buildings
Children's competition - dream analysis
Best friend on bus dream
Basement and sewer dream symbols
Attractive ladies - dream interpretation
TV dream
Trick crocodile dream
Leaving lights left on dream
Dream analysis - killing at Harvard
I saw you!! - dream analysis
Good students misbehave - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - Dr Who
Dream analysis - cannot recognize members of church
A friend I haven't seen in years - dream analysis
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at