Personality dreams
Distraction dreams
Previous day dreams
Creative dreams
Emotional dreams
Health dreams
Relationship dreams
Change in Life dreams
Reflective dreams
Premonition dreams
Reheasal dreams
Next day dreams
Neural networks and dreams
Dream theory
Why is this the best dream site
Thetawaves and dreams
Dream studies
Sleep deprivation TV show
Dreams and TV
How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I have lots of dreams where I am running away from someone but my legs won't go as fast as they can. Its almost like I am running in water? I felt hindered.
GUESSWORK The dreamer was suffering from depression.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. The dream deals with something that is scary. That could associate with anything that the dreamer has fears about.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to dreamers relationship with the person in the dream. The dream deals with the following themes
- The dreamers relationship with his friend
- A wish to let go of personal feelings and problems.
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture this thought that the dreamer was thinking at the time-"I was talking about my boss yesterday. I have been off with maternity leave so I forgot had bad she is"
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Dream interpretation - boyfriend spends a lot of money on another girl
Rat bites pet cat - dream analysis
Copperhead snake strikes - dream interpretation
Taking toys away from a child - dream analysis
Sisters bedroom - dream analysis
Flying and chasing dream
Men playing cards against women - dream symbolism
Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
Boyfriend cheating dream
King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
Husband is being extremely mean
They really love each other - dream interpretation
Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
Swimming with sharks - dream analysis
A black friendly dog - dream dictionary
Cutting brothers head off - dream analysis
Journal or Diaries being sold
Guy chasing me dream
Engagement ring dream
Poison a Rottweiler dog
Paired up with guy I like - dream interpretation
A baby dream and large building
Identical babies- dream analysis
Dream - true passionate love and dog
Bear chasing my young son
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at