dream analysis study

THE DREAM I took my 4 cousins to a fast food restaurant, the atmosphere there was horrible, the food wasn't hygienic and suspicious people were all around. So, I went out side and saw another restaurant which was safer and hygienic. I went back to the restaurant, and told them that we were all going to the other one and we left. At the door I realized one of my cousins hadn't gotten up and was still sitting in the same place eating a salad, she looked very sad.

THE REALITY The dreamer spoke to them about a week after the dream and found out that her cousin who stayed behind in the dream was indeed having a hard time dealing with her father's illness. Their father is really sick. The fast food restaurant represented the dreamers uncle and the memories of him when he was okay. It was a place where he used to take us out to for lunch all the time.

THE INTERPRETATION Its always difficult to say if a dream is telepathic. But the dream does seem to link to a real incident that took place. It featured someone who was indeed having a hard time. Of course its up to the reader to decide.

The restaurant is not only a place which symbolises happy memories but its also quite symbolic in dreams. Restaurants can symbolise things that are feeding our minds. Restaurants can symbolise issues which everyone is thinking about and everyone is talking about. Hygienic food symbolises the need for some positive thoughts to cheer us up.

Symbolic meanings
RESTAURANT : "things that are on everyone's minds and which everyone is talking about "
HYGENIC FOOD: "thinking healthy positive thoughts about fathers illness"

This was a premonitions dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• White doves - dream analysis
• President Lincolns precognitive dream of his own death
• Psychic dream of grandmothers illness
• Pet dog is drowned rat - dream analysis
• Singing candle in the wind - precognitive dream
• Premonition Dream - something thrown at house
• Sky destroyed - dream interpretation
• Cousin very sad during meal - dream analysis
• Prospect Road - dream analysis
• Mother asks for help - dream analysis
• Identical dream - dream analysis
• Psychic dream of cousin crossing road
• Premonition dream of Concorde crashing
• William Tindall dies helping people in overturned Lifeboat - premonition dream
• Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
• Little brothers voice - dream analysis
• Premonition dream - intruder in the house
• Snake and elegant phone - dream analysis
• Psychic dream - cat dies
• Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
• Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
• Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
• Psychic dream - niece breaks arm
• Brother falling - dream symbolism
• Dream of death which could be a premonition

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com