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THE DREAM I went to some scary house to get my x wife she wasn't there and there were mutated deformed people trying to keep me from leaving and physically hurting me they kept saying that I owed them something I did manage to escape at the very end right before I woke up
BACKGROUND INFORMATION the love of my life whom I was married for for 7 years has walked out on me with someone that I let live in my house that she only knew for 3 weeks
In the process of trying to save my marriage I have paid for her apartment which she lived with this guy in and bought her a car I tried very hard to let go and just accept her new relationship and in the end just before the divorce became final I was assaulted by this person and had my jaw broken in 3 places lost 4 teeth and also cracked a few ribs
After this they have moved a few states away and she contacts me daily to try and tell me she wants to come home but then before the conversation is over she decides she isn't going to part of me wants to forget she ever existed and move on and part of me wants to try and fix what we have lost
Posted at July 5, 2012, 07:04 by alienheretic@gmail.c
Unclesirbobby (POSTED July 5, 2012, 07: 4: 45)
Dreams capture your emotions. They will not often tell you something you do not know - most people know how they feel. You know how you feel (you want to get back with her).The dream should somehow portray that thought and I think it does... you go to this scary house to get your wife ... you go even though there is only deformed people and lots of problems you still go. That really shows that you want her back whatever the problems.
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Werewolf dream analysis
Digs biting- dream dictionary
Dream symbols - bears and german shepard dog
Orb of light - dream analysis
Earthquake Dream
Husband cheating dream
Shark is in slow motion - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - overheard boyfriend
Jump into water - dream analysis
Place on plane
Dream symbols - child in tantrum crying
Dream - my father buys me dog I do not want
Zombies and Brad Pitt
Vampire dream
Leeches as a collar around my neck.
My boyfriend is cheating on me
Giant tree dream
I dreamt of my dog dead
Crocodile mouth dream
Cat not recognized - dream analysis
Journal or Diaries being sold
Dream - dolphins and lifeguard and beautiful calm sea
Wolf transforms into my boyfriend - dream interpretation
Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
Dream of a secret place
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at