dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was having school dinners. It was a primary school. I was wanting to queue up but we were told by the teachers when we were to go for dinner. Finally we get dinner. Somebody behind me is giving me things to buy.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION The next day the dreamer was due to see a friend who tended to be very bossy. He would always say when they should or should not have dinner. The dreamer was always been sent out to buy things for this friend.

DREAM ANALYSIS The dream had one very good connection with real life in that the dreamer was always being asked to go and buy things for a friend. The dreamer was also always told when to have dinner and so the Elementary School is an for someone who always told him what to do and when he could do it. The dream captured this feeling - "My friend always tells me to get dinner when he says and to go out and do shopping for him. It feels like Elementary School".

This was a nextday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream symbols - uphill bus on the moors
• Scrubbing walls dream
• Dream about riding a railway
• Dream about a present and a card
• Two tickets for theatre dream
• Bracing walk on a beach dream
• A tornado dream on a beach
• Nearer my God to thee on Titanic - dream analysis
• Snow falling dream
• Pretty girls - dream interpretation
• School dinners dream
• Scared of tornado - dream analysis
• Saved the place dream
• Alligator,tornado and puppy dream analysis
• Executed in real life - dream analysis
• Police Station dream
• Coping with asthma dream
• Alien spaceships - dream dictionary
• Killing snakes dream
• Dream symbols - executed in hospital
• Enemy territory dream
• Billboards and New York - dream interpretation
• Dream symbolism - nephew playing
• Dream - wanting a strawberry cake
• Cats in huge house - dream symbolism

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com