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Neural networks and dreams
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Thetawaves and dreams
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Sleep deprivation TV show
Dreams and TV
How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I had a nightmare and I was so disturbed and screaming that my husband shook me to wake me up.
THE REALITY The dreamer worked in a part of town which was prone to violent crime. It was often on her mind that she could be a victim.
THE INTERPRETATION Demons and nightmares dreams are often difficult to interpret. They are deeply symbolic by their nature. Such dreams will have their source in day to day reality and fears within your mind at the dream. The trick is to spot something that could be connected. Just spot bad emotions generally. Often a dream like this can be connected to feelings of real hate. They show you maybe having strong feelings and prejudices. Such emotions may back fire on you during the dream. So think back to the day before and where really strong powerful emotions of hate or fear surfaced. It maybe links to someone who has become a punch bag for your own repressed bad feelings.
Often a dream maybe connected to a fear. In this case the dreamer connected the dream with the need to cross a dangerous part of town where gun crime is rife.
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I hate going to work because sometimes I am so scared that I will be mugged"
See how the symbolic meanings capture an everyday fear
This was a nightmare dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
baby devil in bed dream
Dream about mutant people.
Baby girl dream
My mother is dying dream interpretation
Dream - creepy invisible demon
Dream analysis - daughter gets out of shower naked but happy with fiance
Tidal wave make me run for safety - dream interpretation
Snake slithers after us - dream interpretation
Dream - emperor chased by his victims
Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
A dream interpretation about an orca being thrown on shore
Tidal wave and running for safety - dream symbolism
premonition or coincidence?
Pain and crying climbing mountain dream interpretation
Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
Narrow steep mountain road - dream interpretation
Fire extinguisher and suicide dream
Dream dictionary - worried about boy
Late for work - dream interpreting
Chased by a shark dream
Alligator Attack
Police, FBI detectives remove documents from my house dream symbolism
Execution dream
Commit suicide dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at