dream analysis study

THE DREAM I'm Sitting under a dead tree on a lakeside and a girl comes up on a boat and sits next to me and is just staring at me. Then she screams like a five year old and I wake up. ....

BACKGROUND INFORMATION Recently Got grounded, Me and my boyfriend Daniel constantly get in fights.

Unclesirbobby (POSTED April 27, 2012, 03: 5: 57)
Well a dream will pinpoint some key feeling. In some way this five year old girl is being compared or contrasted to you. The dream could capture any one of these feelings...

"Being grounded makes me want to scream. I am being treated like a five year old"

"My parents grounded me because they thought I was behaving immaturely"

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Military officer orders me to watch Queens baby
• A tornado and sunshine - dream dictionary
• Swim to victory - dream interpretation
• Dream symbolism - nearly hit ex boyfriend
• Showing respect and not offending -dream analysis
• Copperhead snake strikes - dream interpretation
• Orb of light - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - shark bite
• Raper and time travel dream symbols
• Aeroplane never takes off dream
• Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - scared of heights
• Chasing dream - dream dictionary
• Dream - my father buys me dog I do not want
• Sexual desires - dream analysis
• Rats,worms,flies and maggots
• Leeches as a collar around my neck.
• Rescue a seal dream
• Show male friend to mother - dream analysis
• Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
• Blocking bird from entering house - dream analysis
• Mum and Dad dream
• Boyfriend begging - dream analysis
• Dragon eggs dreams
• Cat killed a bird - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com