dream analysis study

THE DREAM In one part of the dream I have this dog breathing on my lap. Its looking adorably at me. In another part of my dream I was in this room sensing a ghost. I am trying to grab and capture it with my hand.

GUESSWORK This girl I know seems very friendly towards me. She seems to be making definite signals. She always laughs at my jokes and makes friendly conversation. She is a bit younger than me so I just feel a bit out of place. But I get these strong feelings coming from her as if she is always thinking about him.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. Dog looks adoringly. Dogs are often symbols of very loyal friends. In this case the dog represents the dreamers feelings as he sensed a girl was very friendly towards him. She laughed at his jokes and always sent out positive signals.
2. Sense presence. If someone is thinking about you you may always sense their presence around you. The dreamer felt as if he was getting much more than simple friendliness from this girl. He maybe even thought that she was even attracted to him though she was much younger.

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers thoughts about a girl. It dealt with the following themes.
- Someone who adores you
- Sensing that someone is thinking of you all the time

If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture this thought that the dreamer was thinking at the time-"I have some really strange feelings about Tessa. She is much younger than me but I still get these feelings that she really adores me and even fancies me. But at the same time I really doubt that she is attracted to me because she is so much younger."

Reading body language is difficult. Obviously this girl was very friendly towards the dreamer. But just how friendly was she. He sensed a very high level of connection and some strong flirting even though she was much younger. He did not know what to make of this.

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Homely atmosphere dream
• With ex boyfriend and another girl - dream analysis
• Dream meanings - scorpion chasing my son
• Babies and a gun
• Dream symbols - huge snake
• A loving mother - dream analysis
• Apocalyptic dream
• soothing dream whilst stressed
• Spiders and open wounds dream
• An amazing coincidence - dream analysis
• Alligators at crossroads - dream analysis
• Jump into water - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - scared of heights
• A plane crashes and cars spin - dream meaning
• Dream symbols - cute little puppy wags tail
• A dream about a not being picked
• we had sex in his house!
• Bite my boyfriend as a vampire- dream analysis
• Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
• Giant tree dream
• Dream - dog,cop and robber and sister
• Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
• Mum and Dad dream
• Accidently killed kitten dream
• Dream analysis - forgot a relative

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com