dream analysis study

THE DREAM - Sharks In my dream, I was in the shallow part of the sea, yet each time, I was confronted by a huge shark. It happened about 4 times and I felt really scared each time.

This dream was posted on Unclesirbobby.org.uk on the September 4, 2011, 10:07 by . It was viewed 83 times

BACKGROUND INFORMATION:I had words with my boyfriend about us not speaking properly. How I feel he doesn't listen to me enough. I'm having doubts about our future.
OFFICIAL DREAM ANALYSIS : A dream like this is likely to represent your emotional state. I doubt that you feel a threat from your boyfriend... he cannot represent the shark. So the dream represents your emotional state. What could it mean though?The dream takes place in the shallow end so that maybe represents a wish to stay safe and not cause or threaten trouble. I think it represents your assessment of the state of the relationship. Even when you are not confronting him there is still tension and emotional distress. It perhaps shows that you were trying to calm things down but deep down you think something is wrong with the relationship. That you find yourself slipping into a permanent mood of fear and tension.
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• A tornado and sunshine - dream dictionary
• grabbing hold of a parachute
• Dream symbols - on a horse charging
• Annoying person dream
• Earthquake dream
• Apocalyptic dream
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• Puppies and snakes
• New York City dream
• Show male friend to mother - dream analysis
• Ignoring my father dream interpretation
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• Cheating on boyfriend
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com