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THE DREAM I on the top floor of a tall building. I am telling the story of how I was nearly eaten by a shark or alligator. It had swallowed me up to my chest. I am laughing and joking.
THE REALITY The previous day the dreamer had been really disappointed. He had been looking forward to a party for ages. It all went badly and he left early. He felt dejected and humiliated. Yet despite this he did not get particularly down about it. Simply got on with his routine.
DREAM ANALYSIS Alligator dreams should in theory be easy to spot. Often they point to something devastating. They could link to something that you really wish to avoid(like an alligator). This dreamer pointed to something in real life that he really did not enjoy. He had just that previous day been humiliated and intimidated by others at a party he had really been looking forward too. Emotionally he felt pretty dejected as if he had just been swallowed by an alligator. Yet he did not get into a deep mood or depression about it. Dreams can deal with the complexity of our emotions. This dream deals with a quite refined emotional response. The dreamer is laughing and joking showing that his mood was not bad despite this devastating blow. It shows that he expected to feel a lot worse.
Symbolic Meanings
ALLIGATOR : "Symbolic of the humiliating and crushing disappointment at the party he had just been too."
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "It all went wrong yesterday yet I coped really well. I expected to feel totally devastated yet I was OK - actually I was in quite a good mood"
See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight in the DREAM MEANING
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at