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THE DREAM I was a little girl when I had this dream. My sister was a skeleton wearing her clothes. I was afraid of her, and she chased me through the house. I ran into her bedroom and hid in the space between her bed and wall. She was coming toward me, and I was cornered, but she tripped and fell. Her skull broke open and her brains got tangled in my hair. I ran to my mother, who was washing dishes in the kitchen. I kept tugging on her sleeve and trying to tell her what happened, but she ignored me, like she didn't even know I was there. The dream was so terrifying and striking that I've remembered it for 15 years.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION years after I had this dream I recovered a repressed memory of my sister molesting me. when it happened I was 7, and she was 13. when I recovered the memory I was around 14 or 15. a few years after that I made the connection between the dream and the memory. I love her dearly and don't fault her for this lapse of judgement. she's been nothing but a great sister ever since. I posted this here because I wanted to let everyone know that some dreams come from deep in your subconscious, and may not make sense to you for years to come.
Posted at February 25, 2012, 21:06 by somebody (Viewed times)
Unclesirbobby (POSTED February 25, 2012, 22: 6: 54)
Dreams are not just day too day they can deal with very deep issues. Its a good sign that you remembered this. Its part of you being able to deal with the issue.
This was a emotional dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
whale song - dream symbolism
Feeding birds dream analysis
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Slitting wrists - dream interpreting
Red skies and sex with boy - dream interpretation
Dream analysis - witnessing couple having sex
My fathers head floating - dream symbolism
Drowning in car - dream interpretation
Cleaning on a farm near a hospital dream
A dream about a horse and a young foal
Beauty pageant - dream analysis
My Parents Dying
Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
Little brother dies - dream symbolism
Huge monument dream
Family being torn apart.
Dream symbolism - able to breathe underwater
Daughters dolphin dream interpretation
Werewolf Love Story dream
Baby crying and wolf dream -dream analysis
Floating body in water dream
Bleeding nightmare
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Dream - a beautiful view
Shark bites dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at