dream analysis study

THE DREAM In the dream, I have woken up after an earthquake has struck. it is the next morning, about a week after moving from Chicago to San Francisco. the night before, I was sleeping at my boyfriends' place, who lives further north, in the hills, and suffered no damages. we go into San Francisco together to get a better idea of what has happened to the house I just moved into. I am living with a high school friend and a post college friend, who occupy the first and second floor of the house. their space was mostly unharmed, save for some photos and trinkets that had fallen off the walls and shelves. my room was the top floor, and when I walk up the spiral staircase to get to it, I feel a very chill breeze. I get to the top of the stairs and half of my room is gone. I no longer have a bed, clothing, plants, or windows. the dream gets fuzzy at this point, as a lot of running around begins to happen, and a lot of crying and panicking. the dream darts forward to night time, and I have somehow found myself subletting an attic for two days, while a band is recording an album on the floor beneath me. they heard about the troubles through mutual friends and decided they wanted to help. my boyfriend is rather apathetic throughout the dream, continually talking about all the work he has to do and how the earthquake has really set him back, how he feels pressured to help me during this crisis. he pulls himself away several times to hop on the computer and do things, in the midst of all the dishevel and chaos surrounding us.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION my boyfriend and I got into a ridiculous argument today that resulted in his decision to call me names and yell at me in the middle of down town Chicago. we've not always been the best at communicating, until today, but we have always done so with kindness. I am scared, and this dream was so intensely lucid, I woke up crying and sweating and screaming.

Posted at Dreamsymbolism.info August 7, 2011, 17:07 by dollface (Viewed times)

Unclesirbobby (POSTED August 8, 2011, 05: 1: 29)

Dreams use symbols to describe your emotions. So this dream portrays how you feel about this issue. Its AS IF AN EARTHQUAKE HAS TAKEN PLACE. It also describes his attitude towards this in his actions in the dream. He acts apathetically. That describes how you feel....(you feel as if he is indifferent to your feelings). Dreams don't really help you they just pinpoint key emotions like this. This dream merely shows what you know already... its as if he has shown you a whole new side to his personality...

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Losing teeth dream - dream analysis
• Showing respect and not offending -dream analysis
• Version of history - dream analysis
• Zombie Attack dream
• A loving mother - dream analysis
• Tumour on leg dream analysis!
• Sisters bedroom - dream analysis
• Shark is in slow motion - dream analysis
• Spiders and open wounds dream
• Not paying bills - dream symbolism
• Relationship dreams - Wanting a puppy dog
• Keep an alligators mouth shut dream
• Hair straightened - dream
• Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
• Tsunami in dream
• Dream - police threaten and train crash
• Shark dream
• Date with ex boyfriends brother - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - phone answering machine
• Assaulting mother in law dream
• Taking medicines with no label - dream analysis
• Dream analysis - impossible
• Flirting with other men - dream dictionary
• Cancer pain - dream analysis
• dog bite dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com