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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I had a dream that I had a baby and put the baby in my purse by accident and it suffocated and died. I was crying after it died. (Interpreted on
THE REALITY The dreamer had banked on some money but realised that it had not come through. She had not correctly filled in the forms though.
DREAM ANALYSIS This dream deals with a purse. Sometimes such issues can actually deal with money related matters. So its worth looking through issues of money for some connection. In this case there was such an issue. The dream had banked on some money coming through from a particular source but she did not fill in her forms correctly.
The dream is perfectly consistent with that issue. The baby represents new things in your life. Something new that is filling you with enthusiasm. A new source of money would certainly fit the bill.
The dreamer was now checking over why this new source of money had not filtered through. The dream was part of that process. In fact it probably represented how she was thinking about investigating this issue.
ACCIDENT : thinking over things that can go wrong
BABY : "something new - a new source of income that the dreamer was relying on"
PURSE : "a link to money"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I thought by now that I would have received my money from them but something has happened. I think I should check up on things to see if a mistake has been made"
Try to see how the symbolic meanings weave together to form a conceptual insight into the dreamers current situation
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at