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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I was a survivor of some apocalyptic disaster and along with the other survivors inhabited some really large derelict building. We all helped each other to try and make it homely and habitable and I got the job of looking after all the orphaned children. I had my own room which I decorated by putting up newspaper on the walls and there was all old tin cans and out of date food which I refused to give the children. They were crying because they were hungry and it really upset me. It was really vivid and disturbing.
THE REALITY The dreamer was worried about moving in with her boyfriend. She was not sure he would be able to support her properly. Also she would be moving away from her family so she would be even more cut off.
1. END OF THE WORLD: A dream about the end of the world could be about you thinking pessimistically. You might be thinking the worst in some - perhaps exploring how bad things could be. In this case the dreamer was thinking about moving in with her boyfriend. The end of the world could symbolise her worries that things might turn out as well as she hoped. Perhaps she is thinking through a worst possible scenario.
2. HUNGRY: If the dreamer was thinking through a worst possible scenario then the hunger could easily link in with that. The dreamer was worried that her boyfriend would not be able to support her in the way that he had promised her he could. Hunger could represent her thoughts about financial worries.
3. HOMELY: One good sign is that the dream is quite homely. Everyone is banding together to help in these extreme circumstances.
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following emotions within the dreamer - "I am thinking of moving in with my boyfriend. I just worry that he could not support me in the way that he has promised he could. But I suppose if the worst happens then we can get through it."
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at