dream analysis study

THE DREAM - swept away I had a dream my husbands ex lover jumped into a swimming pool that was being drained ,as soon as she hit the shallow water the pool started to fill with clean water and washed her away.

This dream was posted on Unclesirbobby.org.uk on the August 13, 2012, 18:01 by pattyfrom mv. It was viewed 26 times

BACKGROUND INFORMATION :Her being my friend and having an affair with my husband and claiming shes 4 months pregnant.

ASSOCIATIONS AND SYMBOLISM: The following associations and symbolic can be made to this dream.
1. HUSBANDS EX LOVER: If a dream features her ex husbands lover then its likely that the dream deal with the feelings of bitterness and rejection.
2. SWEPT AWAY: In the dream her husbands ex lover is swept away. What could this symbolise? Perhaps it deals with her wish to forget about this woman? Maybe it deals with her wish for harm to come this woman's way? Its most likely it links to her wish to forget all the bad feelings and move on. There is a point when we have to stop thinking about the past and start turning our attention to the future.
3. CLEAN WATER: The dream ends up with 'clean water'. This must give a hint to the dreams meaning. If the water is clean it suggests that something has been cleansed - surely then this refers to the dreamers need to get rid of her bad feelings. She needs to forget her ex and all the bitterness and move on with her life. Thinking of the past only leads to bitterness.

DREAM ANALYSIS: The dream deals with the following themes.
- Bad feelings towards her ex husbands lover
- cleansing your feelings

If you weave together the two themes and think about the dreamers thoughts at the time you will find out that the dream captures this type of thought - "I was extremely bitter towards my ex and his lover. I need to start again and get rid of those feelings. I need to stop thinking about her and start getting on with my life."

This was a emotional dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• A fearsome wolf dream interpreted
• Warm blanket - dream analysis
• Turning back the sands of time dream interpretation
• Tornado funnel - dream analysis
• A telepathic feeling - dream dictionary
• Ticket checked - dream interpretation
• tornados and numbers dream
• Family cut up by killers dream
• Dream analysis - witnessing couple having sex
• Happy whales - dream analysis
• Dream - dog cheetah and killing dream
• Dream - time travel machine
• Little brother dies - dream symbolism
• Gift dream
• Folding blankets - dream symbolism
• Grabbing daughter tidal wave - dream symbolism
• Family being torn apart.
• Failed suicide dream
• Dream interpretation - freaked out crazy maniac
• My ex with a celebrity - dream analysis
• Run away after explosion - dream interpretation
• Dark figures dream
• Protecting a kitten - dream dictionary meanings
• Old friends dream
• My deceased mother

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com