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THE DREAM - I'm swimming in a huge lake playfully with a lot of woman who like and share the same amount of interest in the current and past guy I've been seeing. In the beginning of the dream its about the current guy me and the woman are just swimming and talking( I was with him last night and he's changing a little to please me). In the second half It was a competition that didn't include swimming which was with my ex love (whom I'm just getting over) and I lost. But there were so many women who joined the competition because they wanted him as much as I did and I was amazed because I hadn't realized how popular he was. I just felt "oh well I lost" and kept swimming.
GUESSWORK The dreamer had been thinking about a man she was attracted to. She felt was she starting to realise that other women were attracted to him too. So she was starting to ground herself in reality. She was starting to think her expectations were too high.
1. The dreamer is aware that she expects too much from relationships.
2. The dream features lots of women so it could be about how she feels about women in general. Or in this case how she feels about competition with other women especially for men.3. The dream featured a past and present men that the dreamer was attracted to. Therefore it could represent a worry that her present relationship could become like a previous one where she was very hurt.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers thoughts about her relationship with men. The dream also seems to deal with other women and worries about having to compete with other women for men that she was attracted too. So the dream seems to be about her worries that she would be hurt by a man who she was expecting too much from. She was maybe having to reduce her expectations. She was also showing an awareness of how she tends to get carried away with men.
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I know what I am like. I become attracted to a man and expect too much. I am in competition with other women."
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at