dream analysis study

THE DREAM - Teacher From The Past I had a dream that I was going to go to my old band teachers house from high school. In the dream I walked to his house. In real life I have no idea where he lives and I have not seen him in 20 years. I didn't like him much in high school either. Once I found his house I walked inside. I knew I was intruding and that it was wrong for me to be there. He was sitting in a chair reading a newspaper. His wife was also sitting in a chair reading. He had two grandchildren sitting on the couch playing. He looked up at me and a look of confusion and disgust came over his face. We did not say anything. But I could tell he wanted me to leave. I felt badly and began to leave. Once I left the house I realized I had left my flip flops in the house. So I walked back inside to get them and he looked even more angry at me. As I walked home I was thinking how what I did was wrong and I didn't know why I had done such a thing. The next image I had was of my band teacher and his wife sitting in a restaurant at a table. I saw a newsletter flash in front of me about his retirement and his life. He and his wife seemed very happy and connected. I had a hard time imagining him having a good marriage because he was mean as a teacher.

This dream was posted on Unclesirbobby.org.uk on the September 21, 2012, 16:05 by Jennifer. It was viewed 6 times

BACKGROUND INFORMATION :The day before I had picked my son up from school and I saw the band room. I had run into my band teacher four months ago at a doctors office (I had not seen him in 20 years) and he told me how after he had been transferred to another school from our high school that he had taught my son's elementary school before retiring. Later in the evening I was thinking about my ex-boyfriend from high school who was in band with me. We both had this teacher. He is the drummer on the show "The Voice." I felt guilty because when I ran into my band teacher at the doctors office I told him all about what my ex-boyfriend was doing but I am not close with my ex boyfriend at all. Then I had this dream in the early morning yesterday. The odd thing is that part of this dream came true. This morning I went out to have coffee with a friend. When I glanced at the table next to me my old band teacher and his wife were sitting at the table. They were both reading newspapers (like they had been doing in their house in my dream.) I had never seen his wife in real life before but she looked exactly the same in real life as in my dream. When he was done eating he came over to say hello to me. I was really in shock! I believe this dream was a premonition.

OFFICIAL DREAM ANALYSIS : Yes I totally agree - its a premonition. Its exactly the kind of premonition that is more common than you think. Premonitions often link to the day to come... rather than catching some event months into the future.

Its also the sort of quirky event that premonitions capture.... something a little unusual. I don't think this previous meeting was really relevant to the dream... the dream just captured this chance meeting.

In the dream you are INTRUDING. In real life he came over. I am not sure what that means - it may capture that period in between when you saw him and when he came over... when you maybe flt like speaking yet worried he would think you were intruding.

But either way its too much of a coincidence for this not to be a premonition.
COMMENT That is a very interesting analysis! Thank you so much! I had never thought of it quite that way. I did feel very uncomfortable when I noticed he was sitting at the table next to me. I definitely did not want to "intrude" and at the same time if he noticed me I did not want to seem rude by not acknowledging him. I was also worried that maybe on some level he knew I had this dream about him (which sounds weird I know.) I have had many "psychic" experiences before but I have never had a premonition dream before. After having this dream I immediately told my husband because it felt completely different than any other dream I have had in my life. There was no verbal interaction. I was "all-knowing" and was just perceiving feelings in the dream. This is a very interesting phenomenon! I wish I understood it better. Thank you again for your analysis and confirmation of my experience.
by Jennifer

This was a premonitions dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Psychic dream of terror attacks in London
• Flood - dream analysis
• Shooting a lion - dream dictionary
• Singing candle in the wind - precognitive dream
• Premonition Dream - something thrown at house
• Astronauts lost dream
• Psychic dream - mother spring cleaning
• Cousin very sad during meal - dream analysis
• A ridiculed king dream
• Dream - Jung's premonition of World War One
• Psychic dream of cousin crossing road
• Premonition dream of Concorde crashing
• Intense beautiful smile - dream analysis
• Psychic dream of car mangled
• Family members killed off - premonition dream
• Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
• Little brothers voice - dream analysis
• Premonition dream - intruder in the house
• A nightmare was thought to be a premonition of a really bad day.
• Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
• Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
• Psychic dream - niece breaks arm
• "Death Dream comes true
• Dream of death which could be a premonition
• Premonition of movie sequel

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com