dream analysis study

THE DREAM I stabbed Jesus in the heart and had to spend the rest of my life in prison. A feeling of total despair stayed with me. I remember that I couldn't believe I had stabbed anyone much less Jesus and in the heart to boot. I remember that I was trying to talk my way into just serving three years but to no avail. There was such a finality about the dream. My life was lost because of what I had done.

THE REALITY The day before the dream the dreamer had a discussion about Catholicism. The dreamer loves to go to mass but has a real problem with organized religion. However, she loves the formality and grandeur of the Catholic church.

DREAM SYMBOLISM This dream above all captures a sense of being trapped and imprisoned. The previous days conversation about religion does seem relevant in this case. The crux of this probably comes down to the nature of religion. You cannot be a bit of a catholic nor a bit of a Muslim. The great faiths in our world simply do not allow for any form of negotiation. Its not like a sweet shop where you can pick and mix the things that you like and dislike.

The dreamer stabs Jesus in the heart. That symbolises the extreme rejection of Catholicism in its pure form. Yet the dreamer is then intent on negotiating a jail sentence. But the truth is when you exclude yourself from a religion there is no going back.

The jail sentence is for three years. THREE : Three is a synonym for the word "FREE" and that often links with issues of freewill. So that links with the dreamers belief that she can freely accept certain portions of catholic belief yet walk away from others.

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I was talking about Catholicism yesterday. I do like catholic churches and the splendour within them. But I just do not like organised religion. I would feel trapped being a catholic".

See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight

This was a thinking dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com