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THE DREAM - I am throwing up bugs.
THE REALITY The dreamer had been worried about getting fat.
DREAM ANALYSIS No one knows exactly what a dream means. But we can often tell what the themes are in your life. We can tell what is on your mind.
This dream clearly mimics bolemia. Throwing up is the main symptom of this disease. By coincidence the dreamer had been worried about her own weight. This is a simple coincidence. This is the kind of simple association which reveals what the dream is about.
The dream does probably not mean that she is bulimic. It merely means that she is looking at her own behavior. Just when exactly does a worry about getting fat turn into bolemia? Is this worry about getting fat reveal deeper problems? Is she acting like this because of some hidden disorder? She is thinking deeply about this issue. Making deeper connections.
Cleopatra Computer dictionary - relevant references
INSECTS : The dreamers own personal hang ups and problems. Things that bug her.
THROW UP : The dreamer is worried about becoming bolemic
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I have been worried about getting fat. When do you become bolemic? Am I just acting normally or is there some deeper reason why I am thinking this way?"
See how the Symbolic Meanings above weave together to form a key insight in the DREAM MEANING
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at