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THE DREAM Last night, I had a dream of tornadoes. I was very emotional and scary. I was on an express way and all of a sudden I saw the sky turn brown and the funnel started to form from each side to become one funnel. This funnel was massive. It was large, wide, and long. The funnel was destroying everything in it's path. It was so big that it moved slower than I expected, but made up for that in size. I was locked in my car on the interstate overpass not knowing what to do or which way to go. I looked behind me and cars were backing off the overpass and some were driving off the rail crashing. I don't know how I got off the interstate, but the second part of the dream was that I was on my street and running trying to get home. The tornado was actually in the neighborhood at this point. I was not able to get to my house, but another neighbor's. All I remember about the neighbor is that she and her husband were kind and there were kids there. She had some type of basement that we could get in. Then all of a sudden, there were killers and thugs that showed up at the door and they got in and was trying to kill everyone in the house. These kind people had some type of escape window that led to another house. The last thing I remember is I was helping a child get out of the window and then I was getting ready to go out as I was the last to jump and the door opened and I woke up. I was in a sweat and did not even realize I was dreaming. That is just how emotional and real the dream was. I truly thought I was there. I remember being ridden by a lot of fear. I was so afraid when I saw that tornado as I could not believe that anything that massive was possible. I was afraid that I had encounter something that massive that could actually take all of mankind out. It was really strange.
GUESSWORK Just before going to sleep the dreamer was praying. She struggles with insecurities and self esteem issues. All her life she has always felt like someone else choose this road for her. She gets angry and asks God why she has to go through these things. When she starts to feel overwhelmed and afraid she starts to pray as she knows that God has watched over her all her life. She was restless the night before and asked God to take away the hurt and feelings of insecurity that she I lives with everyday of her life. She cried herself to sleep.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. If you have very strong emotions the night before a dream then it can influence your dreams. Look for similar emotions in your dreams. Here the insecurities the dreamer feels in real life are symbolised by the tornado.
2. The dreamer seeks a place of safety and in real life she was praying for help - so God would help her and keep her safe.
3. The dream has a feel of enormity about it. That mirrors the dreamers own belief that something has been controlling her life.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers constant feelings of insecurity. The dream deals with the following themes
- The feelings of insecurity
- Powerless against a greater force
- A wish to seek safety
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"I constantly have these feelings of insecurity. I feel powerless against the forces against me which I feel control my life. I pray for help from God to keep me safe"
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at