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THE DREAM - I dream a lot about tornadoes and in these dreams I usually die. However the other night I had a dream in which I was in a very unfamiliar place, some highway in the middle of nowhere with no one else around (whereas my other dreams had been in my house / school / or a friends house) and a very large tornado was approaching. I ran into this circular factory building and took cover. The tornado came and it ripped off the building's roof but passed over me. At the end of the dream I was still alive.
GUESSWORK The dreamer was suffering from extreme stress.
ASSOCIATIONS AND SYMBOLISM The following associations and symbolic meanings can be attached to this dream.
1. The dreamer had been suffering from extreme stress just recently. The tornadoes were symbols for this stress. They were situations where he had to batten down the hatches and survive.
2. In these tornado dreams the dreamer usually ended up being killed. This was symbolic of his ability to weather the storm. The troubles were passing now.
DREAM ANALYSISIts always important to try to see how dream symbols could reflect the emotional problems and issues in your life. This dream deals with the following themes.
- Tornadoes as a symbol for stress
- Death representing an inability to handle stress
- Survival as a symbol for dealing with stress
If you weave together these various symbolic meanings and themes and link them to reality you find that this dream could easily represent the following key feeling - "I have been suffering immense stress. These troubles have been overwhelming me but just recently I have started to see the light. I have weathered the storm".
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at