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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM - I had the two worst nightmares of my life on the night before the terror attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11th. Strangely the night before I had seen planes flying low and thought about them. Also just before I turned off my TV that night a news report came on about President Bush and I felt this feeling in my mind and gut that something bad was going to happen to our country. That night I had two powerful dreams. I woke up at 1:59 am pacific and my dream was just 2 bright flashes of light. Like explosions in my face and it threw my body. I woke up shaking and bouncing on the bed and my sisters dog Pheobe was jumping up next to me at the bed. Like as if I was shaking in the bed for a while during the dream and Phoebe woke and got startled and came over to me. When I came to in a probably a split second I hopped right out of bed and ran out to the backyard. I didnt even know why I did this but felt some urge to run. Phoebe was going crazy jumping at me all the way outside. I calmed down and went back in to bed.
At 3:00 am I had a second dream. I was in a tall building with glass windows all around. I was panicky and couldn't get out. All of a sudden dark faced men were breaking the windows in the building and attempting to get in. I felt I was going to die. I turned to front of me and my mom was at a desk looking at me. I ran over and this is when I knew I was dreaming. I kept pleading with her to hit me and to wake me up and get me out of this dream.
THE REALITY The dreamer woke up around 9am. He went straight to the kitchen and saw a message on the answering machine. It was from his mom saying "Ryan if YOUR AWAKE put on the TV. Something horrible just happened to our country". He went to the TV and right then 2 plane hit.
THE INTERPRETATION Major events can be viewed in a very personal way. If you believe in premonitions then September 11th was a likely day to generate one. Often if a dream is going to come true then it will come true immediately the next day. So studies of the dreams people had the night before are very interesting. Its easy to see how this dream was a premonition. The dreams were described as the worst two dreams of the deamers life.
The symbols also appear to be very consistent with the event. The two flashes representing the two planes crashing. The dream was also linked on a personal level with the dreamers mother because she was the person to tell him of the attacks. The dream also featured a tall building - surely symbol for the huge Twin Towers. The dream also seems to have picked up on the emotions of the people inside the World trade Centre as they realised their fate.
Dream Dictionary Meanings
TWO FLASHES: These represented the two planes to hit the twin towers
MEN BREAKING IN: These probably represent the terrorists.
TALL BUILDING: A symbol for the World Trade Centre
MOM: Personally the incident was linked to his mother because he found out about it via his mother.
This was a premonitions dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Psychic dream of terror attacks in London
Dream - Jung's premonition of his mothers death
Singing candle in the wind - precognitive dream
The king wants to stay home dream
Telepathy - dream analysis
Suicide bomb - dream analysis
A ridiculed king dream
Dream - Jung's premonition of World War One
Identical dream - dream analysis
Psychic dream of cousin crossing road
The 'psychic' dream of Sitting Bull of the Little Bighorn
Man of my destiny - premonitions
Dark figure surrounds me in woods - dream analysis
Psychic dream of Japanese earthquake
Premonition dream - intruder in the house
Man of my destiny - premonitions
Snake and elegant phone - dream analysis
Psychic dream of crush getting married
Dream interpretation - bedside commode
Teacher From The Past dream
Car Explosion dream
Psychic dream - niece breaks arm
Brother falling - dream symbolism
Psychic dream - cat dead and bloody
Premonition of movie sequel
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at