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THE DREAM I was on a beach with my fiance standing to my right - it was the scene of an idyllic picture - the calm smooth blue water in front of us - it was like a small bay. There was a couple in front of us as well and they were watching their daughter swimming in the water - she was coming towards the shore. In the next moment I see a black fin slicing through the water and I start to panic for the young girl, maybe 12, and I start yelling for her to swim faster only the fin Isn't going towards her it's coming towards me (the parents of the girl and the girl herself not at all bothered by this shark - the girl has reached shore safely. The parents have never turned their faced toward me but I do catch a glimpse of the girl who it appears either autistic or has down syndrome or something like that). Meanwhile I watch this fin coming closer to the shore and then another to the right of me is doing the same. I'm not too scared because it's not like it can come on shore can it? Only it does - the one shark that I thought was going after the girl is on shore and snarling at me and thrashing around trying to get closer. it's black and it's vicious and it's hideous and evil. The shark that is still in the water is also with its mouth wide open. If a shark could roar thats what they were both doing.
GUESSWORK The dreamer was determined to split up with her fiance. He was verbally abusive, possessive and jealous. She had started having bad dreams and feelings of nervousness. Her fiance knew it was over - she had been trying to get this across for sometime. She felt it should be over by the weekend. She knew he was bad for her yet still had difficulty letting go.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. The shark represents her boyfriend who she wanted to break up with. It represents negative emotions such as jealousy or anger.
2. The shark coming out of the water possibly represents her boyfriends reaction to a break up. The shark is a creature connected with the water. The water is some kind of border. In this case it could represent the dreamers fears about the break up. That her boyfriend could go so far but could only affect her so much.
3. The young girl represents herself. The possibility that her boyfriend will react in a bad way to the break up.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers wish to break up with her boyfriend. The dream features the following themes
- A limits to someones aggressive behaviour
- Jealous and negative behaviour
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts - "My relationship with my fiance is soon going to be over. He knows its over. It should be finished by the weekend. I do fear what may happen. But really there is so much he can do. Yet at the back of my mind I am a little worried of course."
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at