dream analysis study

THE DREAM I am sat down in a very public place. I have the most bizarre hairstyle. Here appears to be someone behind me taking a home video of me.

THE REALITY The next day the dreamer knew that she may possibly bump into a man that she was strongly attracted to. Sometimes she paid a great deal of attention to her appearance. Other times she just tied her hair up in some convenient way.

DREAM ANALYSIS Videos are an exact record of reality. Often we are nervous about having our picture taken if we are not looking our best. In this case the dreamer knew she may bump into a man she was attracted to and so wanted to look as attractive as possible. So this dream was reminding her to take special care that day as recently she had been taking a very casual attitude to her appearance.

Symbolic Meanings
PUBLIC PLACE : "A need to be aware that others will be judging you and your appearance"
VIDEO : "An exact record of how you look"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I was thinking that I may bump into a guy that I fancy tomorrow. So I will take special care with my hair. I do not want to turn up with it in a mess".

See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight

This was a nextday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• A scary staircase - dream symbol
• Dream about riding a railway
• Dream about a present and a card
• Bracing walk on a beach dream
• Video in public place dream analysis
• A tornado dream on a beach
• Nearer my God to thee on Titanic - dream analysis
• School dinners dream
• Scared of tornado - dream analysis
• Saved the place dream
• Railway station - dream interpretation
• Alligator,tornado and puppy dream analysis
• Dream - steep steps
• Marie Antoinette dream
• Executed in real life - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - Large department store
• Police Station dream
• Coping with asthma dream
• Alien spaceships - dream dictionary
• Killing snakes dream
• Dream symbols - executed in hospital
• Billboards and New York - dream interpretation
• Dream symbolism - nephew playing
• Dream - wanting a strawberry cake
• Cats in huge house - dream symbolism

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com