dream analysis study

THE DREAM My dream was that the world was ending but taking a few days so the 1st day it was big tidal waves then the 2nd day was 1 big tornado then the next there was lots of tornado's and I was trying to dodge everything but in the dream I remember I was with my daughter at all times and wouldn't let go of her hand and also phoned up a guy I'm friends with but also kind of seeing and he knew the world was ending and I said to him "if this is the end I want you to know I'll always love you" and he said "I love you" but he said it in a way with no emotion and almost like he felt he had to say it.

GUESSWORK The dreamer was in a relationship with a man. She was looking for commitment but he was a little confusing. One minute he referred to them as having a future then the next he referred to them as just friends. This was starting to upset the dreamer.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. END OF THE WORLD. End of the world dreams are often just a way of you thinking about someone's true feelings. If it was the end of the world then you would express your true feelings. If you love someone then you would tell them how truly important they are to you. If you hated them you would express those exact feelings as there would be no serious consequences as its the end of the world anyway. In this case the dreamer was thinking about a guy who she was involved with. At times he expressed a belief in their future together yet at other times he said they were just friends. So she wanted to know his true feelings. The mixed signals he was sending out were upsetting the dreamer.
2. NO EMOTIONS. In the dream the dreamers guy friend says he loves the dreamer but he says it with no emotion. This pinpoints the meaning of the dream - it focuses on the mixed and confusing signals which were upsetting the dreamer.

DREAM ANALYSIS The dream captures this exact feeling - "he has been sending out some very mixed signals. This is confusing me and starting to upset me"

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream of an aggressive border collie
• Dream about buying a computer
• A dream about wolves forcing their way in
• Baby dies - dream symbol
• Bitten by a snake dream
• Dream symbols - wanting to ask psychic
• Giving a baby up for adoption dream
• Dream symbols - Raped by guys
• Perfect smile - dream analysis
• Hero and mentor - dream analysis
• Spilling urine - dream dictionary
• Grandmother falls - dream analysis
• Teeth falling out - dream analysis
• Mischievous little twerp - dream analysis
• Very annoyed - dream analysis
• Dream analysis - president has died
• World War Three - dream analysis
• Titanic is sinking dream interpretation
• Ghost in Haunted Apartment
• Scream or help - dream analysis
• Husband kissing another woman- dream interpretation
• Car crash off cliff dream
• Exploding buildings in Israel dream
• Beetle car dream analysis
• Demand expenses - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com