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THE DREAM There was a big war like World War Three on the way to the US. I was in meditation in this field where I was seeing things so clear. The ancient Native Americans were communicating to me from the sky, dropping numbers(645), letters/words, bible verses (John 10:14 10:16 10:12). There were many more numbers and such, but these are the only ones I remembered and wrote down. Maybe it was a past life. When I went to try to warn everyone of what was coming but no one, especially my Mom believed me. There was even a specific time to the bombing all over Akron, OH and surrounding areas. Our houses were already like a 3rd world country with only 3 walls or no roof. As time came to only a couple of hours, it was all over the news and everyone was panicked. My brother and dad were preparing for battle (looking not like themselves, and dressed in cut-off shorts and bare chested). I was so upset to know I was going to lose them. I saw a big field where people were escaping to in another state (Kansas?). I then was in the sky as well, above the US, and met with a man's face. He had big dark, sparkling eyes, bald head, olive skin, and maybe in his 40's/50's. Our eyes connected and we began to speak telepathically about how we needed to overcome the chaos through positive visualization and manifestation. We knew the chaos was not real, but more like background chatter around us.
GUESSWORK Before falling asleep the dreamer felt a creepy vibe in her room. She told it go away, and began focusing on raising her vibration until she could no longer feel its presence. When she woke up, she noticed a rose with a healthy stem had fallen off the plant onto the floor.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. WORLD WAR THREE and NATIVE AMERICANS. Dreams will often be about strong feelings before you go to bed. The native Americans and World War Three could clearly be symbols for the dreamers state of mind before going to bed. A war involves good guys versus bad guys which is basically identical to how the dreamer was thinking. The good guys represent her own innate goodness and the bad guys represent the bad presence that she felt.
2. POSITIVE VISUALIZATION. This is the central part of the dream. This simply repeats how the dreamer combated this presence. She used positive visualization to overcome the bad feelings.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers bad feelings before going to bed. The dream deals with the following themes
- Good versus bad
- using positive visualization
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"I felt this really bad presence before going to bed. I overcame it using positive visualization."
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at