dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I dreamt that I was with my family on vacation. I asked my sister and her husband to go down by the water where there was an amusement park that we had been to before. When we arrived this very large whale with teeth emerged from the water seeming to almost attack us. I was very frightened, mostly by the size and unexpectedness of it. We left the area and that was the end of the dream.

GUESSWORK The day before the dream the dreamer spent the whole day trying to calm down because several things were on her mind. In fact she became extremely stressed about remaining calm.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

ASSOCIATIONS AND SYMBOLISM The following associations and symbolic meanings can be attached to this dream.
1. Amusements and vacations are linked to relaxation and taking things easy. The dreamer had been trying to calm down considerably. The dream could be linked to her attempts to be calm.
2. The dream features two symbols in opposition to each other. The amusement park is associated with enjoyment yet the whale is actually huge and scary. So the dream could be related to attempts to relax which have gone wrong.

DREAM ANALYSISIts always important to try to see how dream symbols could reflect the emotional problems and issues in your life. Moods from the previous day can easily cause dreams. Its easy to see how this dream reflects the dreamers attempts to stay calm. This dream deals with the following themes.
- Attempts to relax
- Something that should be good but is actually not so good

If you weave together these various symbolic meanings and themes and link them to reality you find that this dream could easily represent the following key feeling - "I was obsessing a little bit yesterday. I was trying to remain calm".

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Wanting to live and to achieve - dream interpretation
• Waiter who is my boyfriend - dream analysis
• Bitten by a snake dream
• Giving a baby up for adoption dream
• A shark dream and its symbolic meanings
• Running away dream!
• Dream symbols - Raped by guys
• Stealing photos dream
• Devious parcel delivery dream
• Parachute opened - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - little boys playing happily
• kidnapped - dream analysis
• Iraq dream
• Eerie feeling - dream analysis
• Touching a woman's breasts - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - difficult climb
• Best friend swears - dream analysis
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
• Topless shoot - dream interpretation
• Woman asks at my moms funeral - dream interpretation
• Remote control - dream interpretation
• Trust a man in my house - dream analysis
• Hospital bed - dream dictionary
• Dream analysis about dangling from church spire
• A dream with deceased family members

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com