dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I was in London by myself. I realised that I was without my parents. I seemed to be coping very well. I was without some things that I needed but I did not panic.

GUESSWORK The dreamer had just had a nervous breakdown and was now in the process of recovery. At her worst she had virtually stopped going out and meeting new people or going to new places. Just recently she had started to meet some new people and was feeling increasingly self assured.

1. Parents. Parents were a symbol of her recent nervous breakdown and the need for help and guidance to do anything. The dreamer had virtually become a child and was not capable of doing things on her own. A dream without her parents showed that she was starting to feel increasingly self assured and confident going back into the wider world.
2. London. London represents the hustle and bustle of the big city life. The dreamer had been finding it difficult to go into the wider world because of a recent nervous breakdown. The city of London represented her recent willingness to meet new people and go to new places.
3. Panic. The dreamer is realising that she is not panicking in the dream. This is a dead give away and shows that the dream is about the dreamers anxiety and panic attacks. We often monitor our own anxieties and this dream will definitely link to the dreamers willingness to handle stress and anxiety in the wider world.

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers thoughts about her nervous breakdown. It deals with the following themes.
- Being able to cope on her own
- the hustle and bustle of the big city life

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I had a nervous breakdown a few months ago and could virtually do nothing without panicking. Just recently I have noticed my increasing ability to go out and meet new people. I feel increasingly self assured in the big wide world."

This was a depressionhealth dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream symbolism - calm down
• Reckless driving - dream symbolism
• Shooting gangster - dream interpretation
• Stagnant pond water - dream interpretation
• A nice warm bed - dream analysis
• Lights switched on in house - dream analysis
• In London without parents - dream analysis
• Walking up huge steep hill - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - surviving a tornado
• Depression and feeling suicidal dream analysis
• Dream symbols - snake eggs and PTDS
• Submarine dream
• Dream symbolism - dark ravine
• Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
• Needing friend - dream analysis
• Intruders in my house dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - taking confession
• Falling trapped on rocks - dream interpretation
• Children tortured dream
• Screaming face - dream analysis
• Feeling lost and losing wallet - dream analysis
• Dream about drug dealer
• Father worried about house dream analysis
• A dream interpretation about walls moving
• Doubting the doctor

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com