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THE DREAM I had a dream that I was friends with a wolf, and I could understand him. He had a deep voice and was kind and gentle. I had to help him get away from hunters so we ran away together. We went through places that I recognized but I'm not quite sure where. I loved being with him, and I didn't even miss my family. I was really happy. I remember at one moment we were being chased by hunters but we got away. When I woke up I was really sad that it was just a dream.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION I have always loved wolves and even wished that I could be one. I have many wolf pictures and even wear a wolf necklace. I don't have real close friends, and prefer being by myself.
Posted at January 27, 2012, 19:05 by mfunnell (Viewed times)
Unclesirbobby (POSTED January 28, 2012, 05: 6: 14)
Most meanings of wolves tend to link to their fierceness.. they tend to show people being chased by wolves. This is a different type ... you are friends with a wolf. A wolf often walks alone so that's one similarity with yourself...
What would I associate with the life of a wolf... its personality.. they are proud, fierce, they live on their instincts .. they are at one with nature... these are qualities which your dream hints at. They are the qualities that you like in wolves. They are how you identify with wolves and how their lifestyle represents a way that you want to live.
This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at