dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was in a shack, I only remember a glimpse of the shack. But I had a tiny orb of light in my hand, which wasn't very good at producing light, maybe just the shape of a tennis ball in light. I ended up outside the shack, where I remember only a glimpse of dim light, lighting up the wasteland. I saw a pack of wolves run towards me. My tiny orb of light died out, and I stood still frozen. I could not see the wolves, but I could feel their fur rub off my skin. That is all they did, all I heard was their fur ruzzling off my skin.

GUESSWORK The dreamer had been thinking about his ex girlfriend who had broken up with him. She had kept repeating "It's not because I want anyone else". She repeated that numerous times which he found suspicious. At the time he believed her. She said it was because she wanted to concentrate on her studies. Just recently though he felt this was not the case. He was told that she had gone off and slept with someone he hated. They have been seen together numerous times. Recently the dreamer was thinking over something that happened a week before they split. Her mothers boyfriend (a perfect gentleman) had called her a tramp. Just recently the dreamer assumes that this is because she had been sleeping around then.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. ORB OF LIGHT. If this dream is about the issue mentioned in guesswork then its likely that the orb represents insight and understanding. If it is light then we can see and if we can see we can comprehend. But if its dark then we don't know what's going on. So the dim lighting is perhaps a symbol for the dreamer being kept in the dark by her former lover. That the real reasons for their split were kept secret.
2. WOLVES. Wolves often represent the harsh reality of life. So the wolves are symbolic of the brutal reality of his ex.

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers thoughts about his break up. The dream deals with the following themes
- the brutal reality
- being kept in the dark

If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"I am now beginning to realise the truth. She did not break up with me because of her studies it was because she was having an affair. I was totally in the dark."

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Ex husband in a coma
• Ignoring a tornado - dream analysis
• Fighting Anaconda with machete - dream analysis
• Scorpion stuck on heart
• Saving parents dream
• Rat bites pet cat - dream analysis
• Sucking co-workers breasts dream
• Surrounded by sharks in water
• Small puppy - dream analysis
• Jump into water - dream analysis
• Best friend and adventures
• Crossing a river dream interpretation
• Sexual desires - dream analysis
• Zombies and Brad Pitt
• Flying in plane over the mountain
• Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
• Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
• Date with ex boyfriends brother - dream analysis
• Children raped - dream interpretation
• Highly rehearsed - dream analysis
• Holding a baby gently - dream symbolism
• Older brother dream
• Flush & Disappear dream
• My boyfriend died - dream analysis
• Angry dog dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com